SERP Scan is a great way to find Exact Match Domains (EMD) for the keywords you want to rank for.
After you add a keyword for tracking SERP Scan will automatically look for any exact match domains. We strip any special characters and spaces and search for .com, .net, or .org domains.
To see all of the available exact match domains for your website click the EMD () link:
This will take you to a new page that lists only available EMD. The domains are ordered with keywords that are searched most at the top. You'll be able to see the number of searches per month (global, exact), the domain and available extensions, as well as where your site currently ranks for the keyword. You can even filter by word. :
When you are on a keyword detail page you can see if there are any EMD available by looking in the top left corner:
Not sure what an exact match domain is is? Click here to find out.